book cover with man standing in the middle of a cow pasture
CommunityREAD 2025
Stop in today to get a copy of this year's incredible CommunityREAD book and make plans to meet the author on March 20 at the Marathon Center for the Performing Arts.

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Notice: Online Catalog Problems

The online library catalogs continue to experience problems following a major software update on Wednesday evening. The Classic Catalog is extremely slow. The Enhanced Catalog is fully functional, but is not displaying cover illustrations at this time. Technicians from our SEO consortium are working to fix the issues. We apologize for the inconvenience.

New Printer Wi-Fi Service Available

The PrinterOn mobile printing solution makes the Findlay-Hancock  Public Library’s public printer available without having to connect to the network or install printer drivers.  Patrons can submit documents or photos from any Wi-Fi or Internet connected device (smartphone, tablet, laptop) no matter where they are. Come to the library within 24 hours to print release and pick up documents in the library at the Print Release Station.  Please  click the PrinterOn button on the lower left side of the website to view the instructions. 


Read for L.I.F.E. needs you! We Help Adult Learners - Become a Read for L.I.F.E tutor.

A volunteer recruitment meeting for Read for L.I.F.E. tutor training will be held on Friday, September 19 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Lindamood Room at Findlay-Hancock County Public Library. Potential adult volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and are asked to commit to one year or more of volunteering.  Volunteers must be literate with no professional training as training is provided.  Volunteers will work two hours per week of instructing others to read.  Registration is required for the recruitment meeting by calling or e-mailing

Read for L.I.F.E. needs you! We Help Adult Learners - Become a Read for L.I.F.E tutor.

Read for L.I.F.E. will be offering a tutor training class on Friday, November 14 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Lindamood Room. Potential adult volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and are asked to commit to one year or more of volunteering.  Volunteers must be literate however no professional training or education is required.

Read for L.I.F.E. is designed to improve literacy in Hancock County through volunteers trained to act as tutors on a one-on-one basis with adult non-readers.  Read for L.I.F.E. estimates that approximately 8-10% of Hancock County adults cannot read well enough to function in today’s society. RFL is an adult literacy programs which provides free reading and math instruction to adults with low literacy skills, English as a Second Language or are working toward the GED.  Anyone 18 years or older and living or working in Hancock County can receive free help by calling 419-422-1712 ext.232.  Registration is required by calling or e-mailing Read for L.I.F.E. is a program of the Findlay-Hancock County Public Library. 


Free Volunteer Income Tax Assistance. February 2-April 15, 2015

Members of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance group (VITA) will once again be offering free tax preparation assistance at the Findlay-Hancock County Public Library. The VITA volunteers will be available from February 2 through April 15, Monday-Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; Saturdays 10:00-3:00 (walk-ins only).  Call 211 or 1-800-650-4357 (number is available 24 hours per day).
   The library is a distributor of Federal, State and City tax forms. Due to reductions from the State Department of Taxation and IRS, forms are available in limited quantities.  City of Findlay tax forms, Ohio tax forms in limited quantity. All other forms are either in stock, on the Internet at, or in reproducible formats. Library staff members are not permitted to offer tax advice.