Online Reference Collection

List of research database titles, descriptions and links
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Purple circle logo with person with briefcase
Brainfuse JobNow

JobNow's features include:

  • JobNow Receive live job coaching, real-time interview practice, full-service resume lab, 24/7 access to local job resources and more!
  • Resume Assistance Prepare your resume with help from JobNow resources including resume templates; receive expert feedback via live interaction or the resume lab.
  • Prepare for Your Interview Review interview tips and resources; connect with a job coach to practice interviewing.
  • Live Assistance Interact with live tutors in math, science, reading, writing, history, GED, college placement tests and more!
  • Career Resources Begin your job hunt with JobNow’s powerful tools.
  • Skills-Building Choose your topic to receive real-time help.
  • Personalized eLearning Tools My File Sharing, My Session Replay, My Tutoring Archive, My Tests Archive, and more!
  • 24-Hour Writing Lab Submit essays and other forms of writing for constructive feedback.
  • Homework Send Question Submit homework questions for expert guidance.
  • Adult Learning Center Access a library of rich adult learning content (GED) and live, professional assistance in resume/cover letter writing, U.S. citizenship prep, MS Office Essential Skills Series, and more!
  • Foreign Language Lab /Spanish-Speaking Support
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green and blue swish logo with writing in blue and bright green
Learning Express Library

Organized into targeted learning centers, LearningExpress Library supports those looking to improve core academic skills, pass the GED, prepare for college, join the military, obtain occupational certification, find a job, change careers, become a U.S. citizen and much more.

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blue and yellow database logo
Northstar Digital Literacy

Northstar Digital Literacy defines basic skills needed to perform tasks on computers and online. Online, self-guided modules assess the ability of individuals to perform tasks based on these skills. Included are basic computer digital literacy standards and modules in three main areas:

  • Essential Computer Skills - Basic Computer Skills, Internet Basics, Using Email, Windows OS, Mac OS
  • Essential Software Skills – Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Google Docs
  • Using Technology in Daily Life - Social Media, Information Literacy, Career Search Skills, Supporting K-12 Distance Learning, Your Digital Footprint.
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ohio in maroon means in black and white and jobs in bright red text
Ohio Means Jobs Assessment and Training Center

OhioMeansJobs can help guide your career search.

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pink bottom with blue top and white lettering
Vocational and Career Collection EBSCO

Full text coverage for nearly 340 trade and industry-related periodicals.

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green and blue ribbon with blue letters
Workforce Skills for 21st Century Success

Workforce Skills for 21st Century Success provides resources to boost basic workplace and job search skills, and prepare job seekers for advanced occupational training. This interactive, self-paced learning approach allows job seekers to learn at their convenience. The intuitive platform provides the backbone students and all job seekers need to succeed in the modern workplace. 

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