Document Services


person copying a paper on coy machine


     The Findlay-Hancock County Public Library offers a variety of additional services including scanning, photocopying, printing, scanning, faxing, mobile printing, and use of public computers. Please choose the item of the service you are interest in for more information. 

 Copy and Print

     There is a copy machine located near the Adult Services (Reference) desk that prints both color and black & white, in addition to having a document feeder for fast multi-page copying. 

Copy/Print Pricing

Black & White-10¢ per page
Color-50¢ per page

Copyright Restriction

     We reserve the right to refuse a copy order if fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law. Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs making photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions within the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One such condition is if the copy will not be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user uses a copy for purposes outside of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement.


• Scan documents, books, photos, and more on a flatbed scanner or a document feeder.
• Personalize scan options:
• Save as PDF, Word, TIFF, or JPEG.
• Scan in Black & White, Grayscale, or Color.

Fax Service

     The library offers faxing service. You may fax single-sided or double-sided pages, and faxes only take a few minutes to send. An emailed confirmation page is available as proof of the transmission.


     US and Canada-50¢ per page

ePRINTit Mobile Printing Service



lady holding phone up with eprintit app


     ePRINTit makes the Findlay-Hancock County Public Library’s public printer available to our patrons! Submit documents or photos for printing from any Wi-Fi or internet connected device (smartphone, tablet, laptop) no matter where you are.  Come to the library within 24 hours to release and pick up your documents in the library at the Mobile Print Kiosk.


To Upload Directly To Library Print System:

Upload from your computer or any mobile device directly to the library’s print system at our ePRINTit site

At the Mobile Print Kiosk in the Adult Services Department at the library, touch the Card Number/Webprint User button and enter your name or library card number.

Follow the screen instructions to pay and print. 
Your document will be printed!

instruction showing steps on cell phone













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